2Title 24 is the California Energy Commission’s (CEC) standards program that outlines building energy efficiency requirements, and includes residential lighting fixture requirements that manufacturers must comply with in order to sell in California.
Lumentra is an approved test lab for meeting the Title 24 lighting requirements and is approved as a 3rd party certifier. This means that if you are looking to meet CEC Title 24 requirements for your LED lighting products, all you need to do is contact us, and we will do the rest.
The requirements for LED light fixtures are outlined in Joint Appendix 8 (JA8) of CEC’s Title 24. For your convenience, we have summarized the key requirements below:
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Colour Requirements
- CCT (based on ANSI C78-377-2008)
- Indoor: between 2700K and 4000K
- Outdoor: between 2700K and 5000K
- CRI: greater than 90
For detailed information regarding Title 24 legislation, please refer to the CEC website.