
Lumentra offers test and measurement services for semiconductor LED, OLED, display and signage products. Below are the types of measurements that we are capable of. Please fill out the online test request form or contact us for pricing.



Measurements of the energy or the power of optical radiation for a given geometry of propagation from the ultraviolet to infrared portion of the spectrum. The measurement is independent of the sensitivity of the human eye to brightness and color


Optical measurements which considers the visual perception of the human eye. The  V(λ) curve describes the spectral response function of the human eye and it is taken into consideration for photometry measurements. This type is most common in luminaire testing.


Measurements of the visual perception of color by the human eye. The X, Y, Z tristimulus values are obtained by integrating the spectral power distribution of radiation S(λ)  and the three eye response curves,  x(λ), y(λ) and z(λ) over the 380 nm to 780 nm wavelength range


Thermal mapping

Thermal measurements of a luminaire or a single LED chip ranging anywhere from 1 to 320 simultaneous points.  Computerized data acquisition helps comprehensive analysis of temperature rise during initial period and long term thermal stability.

Accelerated lifetime testing

An LED chip is exposed to high temperatures and run at different powers for prolonged periods of time in order to investigate the reliability of its parts.

Infrared Thermometry

Measurement of temperature using the blackbody radiation emitted from objects. Ideal for tracking temperatures at individual points that are difficult to access using thermocouples. This method helps visualize the thermal profile of the entire luminaire while accurately pinpointing any hotspots that may be detrimental to device performance.

Transient temperature analysis

Thermal measurements as a function of time with resolution in the range of milliseconds


Efficacy evaluation

Also known as wall-plug efficiency, efficacy is a measure of the amount of light (luminous flux) produced by a light source usually measured in lumens, as a ratio of the amount of electrical power consumed to produce it, usually measured in watts.

Current-Voltage Curves

A description of the dependence of a terminal current on more than one terminal voltage difference of the device. This relationship plays a key role in determining the light output and the electronic dynamics of the device.

Driver design

In general LEDs have a nonlinear I-V behavior and thus current limitation is required to prevent the power dissipation from exceeding a maximum limit. Thus the ideal power source for LED technologies is a constant current source. A driver consists of two parts:  Conversion of the input or supply voltage to an appropriate voltage or current for the LED light source and a current control for the LED.